måndag 17. september 2007


... has been something of a recurring theme for this semester so far. That one, however, is "to be continued": stay tuned for upcoming blog post from Sigurd S!
This leaves me, to be completely honest, without that much to write about. Things are simply going swimmingly. The course is rather interesting, we (still) haven't been sick (though we have both had a couple of nasty sunburns, as will be illustrated with photos), social life is abundant and India is just spectacular.

I've been urged to write more about India as such, beyond our narrow perspective, but it's bloody difficult. The cliches are true, though: it's noisy, smelly, colourful, crazy, utterly magnificent and impossible to describe in words. I'll simply leave this to be told by our photos (hoping that they do, in fact, speak thousands of words).

To return to current affairs, it might be worth mentioning that we have signed up for a couple of extra-curricular activities. Sigurd S is doing Indian cooking, and is enthusiastic so far. His more or less subconscious reason for attending is of course the same reason why any man anywhere ever does anything: he thinks this will impress girls. Undoubtedly, this theory has its merits. Personally, however, I think my chosen course teaches the True Path to any woman's heart: Bollywood Dancing! Granted, so far I've only attended once, and it was equal parts amusing and embarrassing. Still, once I manage to shed any remaining sense of dignity, I'm certain I will reveal a tremendous talent for this delicate art form.

It's time to do some actual studying (we've recruited the cream of the crop among out fellow students for our upcoming group assignment), so it's good day and good luck for now.

Sigurd B

"The air was full of Thoughts and Things to Say. But at times like these only the Small Things are ever said. The Big Things lurk unsaid inside."
- Arundhati Roy, in The God of Small Things

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