laurdag 18. august 2007

Status report

What has happened:

- we flew to Chennai
- Chennai turned turned out to be very noisy and its traffic very, very insane
- we had a number of near-death experiences on our way to the quiet resort of Mamallaporam
- Mamallaporam was superb
- we've eaten loads of great food
- we got an offer (on our second evening in India) to star in a Bollywood flick as russian henchmen

What hasn't happened:

- we haven't died
- we haven't been sick
- we're not severely sunburned (!) (factor forty thank you very much)
- the Bollywood flick (they cancelled the shooting due to the fact that the location supposedly resembling the russian tundra turned out to be extremely muddy)

What has happened since then:

- the Bollywood guys took us to Pondicherry in a taxi
- the Bollywood guys did not bring my rucksack to Pondicherry though they said they would
- I've been back to Mamalloporam looking for my rucksack
- I've been told that my rucksack is in the hippie hangout Auroville with some Austrians
- I've returned to Pondicherry, planning to pick up my rucksack tomorrow
- the bus driver honked the horn non-stop for the entire two-hour bus trip back

What hasn't happened since then:

- I resisted murdering the bus driver
- we haven't written our assignments
- dinner.


Sigurd B
- stripped of his handbags and gladrags

"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide"
- Gandhi

2 kommentarer:

Kid Whiskey sa...

eg har eit lite spørsmål til sigurd sandvik. virkar ei vanleg sykkelpumpe på sykkelen din? eg fekk litt luft i dekka, men ikkje mykje. sykkelen din går mykje saktare enn min.

Sigurd sa...

det gaar nok ikkje. du maa gaa ned paa ein sykkelbutikk aa laane ei spesialpumpe, det er ein nede med bystasjonen.