torsdag 14. juni 2007

Pre-Indian Summer

This post serves no other purpose than for me to check that I am in fact able to post posts. As this appears to be so, I commend my fellow traveler and name brother Sigurd for creating this blog thingie, thus allowing us to share our amazingly interesting experiences with the world. Which is of course also why I choose to do this thing in English: I simply presume that our little journey is of great interest to all citizens of the world (or at least to the handful of such citizens that we know). 

At any rate, our departure for India is exactly two months away, and I can't wait.

Stay tuned, don't touch that remote.


In a gentle way, you can shake the world
- Gandhi

2 kommentarer:

Sigurd sa...

Ok. I will try to write some of my posts in English. It's probably a good thing for me to do that since our assignments in India will have to be in English. I haven't written English since 1998 so please don't expect much from my spelling.

Sigurd S.

Anonym sa...

For gud og fedreland!!
Spar på sokkane!!